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Art Director E-Commerce, OPUS & someday

(m/f/d), Hamburg

Auszubildender Fachkraft für Lagerlogistik, OPUS, Oelde

(m/f/d), Oelde

Auszubildender Fachlagerist, OPUS, Oelde

(m/f/d), Oelde

Auszubildender Kaufmann im Einzelhandel, OPUS, Oelde

(m/f/d), Oelde

Buying Manager, OPUS & someday, Hamburg

(m/f/d), Hamburg

Just apply. It’s simple.

Do what is simplest for you. Contact us via Whatsapp, LinkedIn, XING or on our Careers page. Send us your CV or the link to your LinkedIn or XING profile. If you apply for a creative position, we would also like to see your portfolio.

We'll get in touch with you in no later than 2 weeks. If it's a good fit from the start, we'll invite you to a video meeting to get to know each other better. For the second interview, we try to schedule a meeting in Oelde. Together with the department manager, we will discuss everyone’s expectations and review your qualifications. In some cases, we combine this with a job-related task.

We share feedback with each other. We discuss whether we can imagine working together and what that might look like. If things don't match up this time, we'll think about whether we want to keep in touch for future opportunities. Any questions about the process? Write to us:


Join us.


Hybrid work

Work 20% to 100% of your weekly working hours wherever you like. Location-independent, digital, flexible and efficient. If you want a more personal, creative exchange, simply meet with colleagues in the team offices at one of our locations.


30 days vacation

When you’ve done your work, you deserve to take a break and relax. 30 days per year. We simply think you've earned it.


Additional financial benefits

We offer you a monthly savings allowance towards your capital-forming benefits. We'll also help you find the right company pension plan.


Employee discount

Simply makes sense: Buy at a discount in our OPUS and someday online stores.


Contribution to relocation costs

Are you moving closer to your job location to start at Simplicity? That simply deserves our appreciation: we'll cover some of your moving costs.


Latest technical equipment

We'll provide you with all the equipment you need to do your job well. Private use is included.


Healthy catering

We simply make it possible for you to eat well and healthy. Fresh, locally-sourced lunch and free drinks are just as much a part of the package as a daily supply of fresh fruit and snacks.


Sports offers

Interested in lifting weights or dancing Zumba? We think that's great. Let's simply support it with a monthly flat fee.



Simply ride a really great bike, in your free time or on the way to work: Select the bike of your choice and buy it when the term is over. Or just choose a new one.


Attractive discounts

Get products and services from various brands in sports, leisure, fashion or travel at a lower price - thanks to our Corporate Benefit Deals.


LinkedIn Learning

Your access to over 17,000 video courses on business, creativity and technology. Simply decide your own learning content, timing, duration and workload.


Company car

Simply get in and drive away. If you're in the field or a manager, you'll be given a car from our fleet. Sustainable mobility is important to us. That's why you'll find a growing number of e-cars in our fleet.


Free e-charging stations

Your e-car will simply feel at home with us, too. With our campus parking lot's e-charging stations, you can charge your car while you're at work. With green energy that comes directly from the producer, which means our own photovoltaic systems.



OTOS (One Team, One Spirit) is the spirit of our company. Look forward to our regular departmental, company and family events. They are simply really good. Why? Company secret.