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Area Manager Sales B2B, OPUS und someday, Eschborn

(m/f/d), Eschborn

Auszubildender Fachinformatiker Systemintegration, OPUS, Oelde

(m/f/d), Oelde

Auszubildender Fachkraft für Lagerlogistik, OPUS, Oelde

(m/f/d), Oelde

Auszubildender Fachlagerist, OPUS, Oelde

(m/f/d), Oelde

Auszubildender Kaufmann im Einzelhandel, OPUS, Oelde

(m/f/d), Oelde

The People and Finance teams at Simplicity ensure that things run simply smoothly on many levels: That payments are correctly made. That we attract new employees who are full of great ideas. That as a result, we can work creatively and with economic stability to position Simplicity for the future. The People and Finance teams keep our company dynamic by overseeing these crucial operations. This deserves appreciation and great working conditions: Team relationships built on trust. Digital processes that make things more transparent, convenient and more efficient. When everything in this department simply works like a charm, it is smooth sailing for everyone.