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Art Director E-Commerce, OPUS & someday

(m/f/d), Hamburg

Auszubildender Fachkraft für Lagerlogistik, OPUS, Oelde

(m/f/d), Oelde

Auszubildender Fachlagerist, OPUS, Oelde

(m/f/d), Oelde

Auszubildender Kaufmann im Einzelhandel, OPUS, Oelde

(m/f/d), Oelde

Buying Manager, OPUS & someday, Hamburg

(m/f/d), Hamburg

Simplicity, because we simply achieve more as a team.

A boss with a superiority complex, rigid hierarchies, elbow mentality. There's no place for that here. So, we simply left that out. Instead, we strive to be open and fair in how we deal with each other. We are respectful. We also show appreciation for the variety of abilities and perspectives that our 600 employees in many different teams have. That brings us together. It motivates us and simply makes working more pleasant and efficient. We call it "One Team, One Spirit". And we're pretty proud of it. It's also why we're successful together and achieve more.

Simplicity, because sustainability is more than a fashion trend.

That is so true. Talking about sustainability is very fashionable these days. But we believe that sustainable thinking is so much more. It's an important value that guides us every day. Sustainability means resource conservation at work. It reflects how we handle materials and the processes and methods we use. We also believe that sustainability means creating the best possible conditions for our colleagues. So that they can do their work well and enjoy doing so, which simply makes them want to keep working with us. Because employee satisfaction and retention are part of our sustainable thinking.